- Updated: December 3, 2024

Well, it only took 18 years. That is how difficult it is. Like a perfect game in baseball, most players never achieve it, as everything has to roll the right way and any one thing can go awry. So here we have it, the right conditions. Sean McCafferty turned the trick and he and he alone stands at the top of Perfect Mountain.
Speaking of those right conditions, it was a Straight-Up week. We almost had multiple perfectos, with 16 wins out of 17 games: Joe Sozio, Maureen Conner, and Marc & Jackie Zeller almost made this week unheard of, on top of it already being unheard of.
So a hearty congratulations to Mr. McCafferty, who has turned his season around of late. He is climbing out of the darkness and is looking toward the playoffs. Watch out everybody: he’s hit his stride.
We return to point spreads this Week 14, so though it may be a bit tougher, there are less games to fret over. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get close again. There are 2 straight up weeks left on the schedule: one on Christmas week, and one on the very last week of the regular season.
Again, amazing week and congrats to “Mr. Perfect”.