Heathen Wins Swami
- Updated: January 19, 2015

It is decided! The 2014-15 Swami is Guy Heath. With wins in both Championship games, Heath clinched his first-ever Swami title. He succeeds Mark Newberg as Swami, and will officially take over as reigning champion after the Super Bowl on February 1st. Swami-elect Heath is elated. “It’s been a long season, and a great one. I nailed it and finally fulfilled my Swami Destiny. It’s been a long time coming.” President Obama called Heath last night and said “This is a great day for America. Way to go, Man.” Mike Amodeo who had a chance to upset Heath on Sunday had it in the bag for Game 1; the Packers had the game in hand late in the 4th quarter and dominated the game. Heath conceded the game, texting Amodeo “Now all of the pressure is on New England”. Shortly thereafter the shit hit the fan, and Seattle posed the dramatic comeback and won in overtime.
The following Championship game was a cakewalk with the Patriots rolling over the Colts 45-7. Said Swami-elect Heath, “Those last 2 hours were 7 years of relief–I was as excited and relaxed all at the same time.” “This will be a looooong year for all opponents…I will make this count. I’ve been gearing up for this for 8 seasons.”
Let the reign begin.